Life is full! We have spent the last few months transitioning from one life event to another. God's goodness to us has overwhelmed us and caused our cups to overflow. There is no way a fragile human container can hold the goodness of a God so abundant and big. And yet, He so freely pours Himself...His sweetness...His goodness, into our earthen vessel lives.
His goodness....
We spent two weeks walking in Asia. Oh how I love you Asia, your lands, your people are forever knitted into my heart. We worshiped with brothers and sisters in Spirit and truth, where no interpreter was needed. We saw His light and we saw darkness that has not yet experienced the Light of the World. Once again my heart was cup overflows...
His goodness...
I watched as the son of my youth put on a cap and gown and said goodbye to college days. His walk across the stage to receive his diploma was more of a walk further into manhood. A man who is following,a man so much like his daddy, a man who desires to be a man after God's own heart. My cup overflows...
His goodness...
I had the privilege to intercede as our sweet daughter and the son-in-love traveled to foreign lands to seek God's direction for their lives. We played, giggled, and experienced God in running through sprinklers, tea parties, fishing, swinging on the porch swing, picking apricots and moments in a rocking chair before bedtime prayers with our two "grand-girls". My cup overflows...
His goodness...
We experienced a river side turned into an outdoor sanctuary as God met us and watched as Garrett and Blair said, "I Do". Entering into covenant and sealing it with a kiss. He was there and we sensed His pleasure. We delighted ourselves to His goodness under a west Texas starry sky and a canopy of lights. We tasted His goodness as we indulged in peach and cherry cobbler with homemade ice cream. His presence was known as the bride and groom looked at each other and made their promise for all time, as family and friend's laughter filled the air and as a gentle breeze drifted through, seeming almost like His approving sigh. My cup overflows...
As I ponder and process, the words of David roll around in my remembrance; "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family that You have brought me, (us) this far?" Truly a question to ponder. There is only one answer....His goodness...
ALL really is grace!
My cup overflows,