Friday, September 19, 2014

What is truth?

I've crossed this bridge before....
   I've felt these hot tears before...
     I've seen the pieces laying on the floor before...

Hope rises and everyone holds their breath.  Prayers are lifted. Love is offered in word and deed.
Then you hear it, you see it, you feel it....yet another explosion. Another time that you are standing there not knowing what to think or what to say. And you are left with the questions.
And, the doubts.

It's part of the human experience.  Family, relationships, and our world knows it.  It's painful.  It's crushing.  It's sin.  It effects all of us. Like a pebble thrown into water, it's ripples are felt by all in it's path.

Today has been a day of questions and of doubts.  Feeling the shrapnel of sin hit, I came running to Him.  Him who I tell others, holds all things together.  I sat before Him and I poured out my heart. What came out; a spilling of questions, doubts, anger, and pieces mixed with tears.  I held them up to Him with shaking hands and shaking theology.  He didn't yell, He didn't condemn...He whispered.

I said; This is burned up, nothing but a ash heap, and utterly wasted.
   And He whispered, "I make beauty out of ashes." Isaiah 61:3
I said; This is a deep dark hole, how can anyone get out?
   And He whispered, "I bring people up out of the pit of  destruction." Psalm 40:2
I said; This is so big.
   And He whispered. "I measured the water of the world in the hollow of my hand, I'm bigger."                                                Isaiah 40:12
I said; This is impossible.
   And He whispered, "Nothing is impossible with Me." Matthew 19:26
I said; What about the injustice and unrighteousness?
   And He whispered, "I exercise and delight in  justice, and righteousness." Jeremiah 9:24
I said; I'm so afraid.
  And He whispered, "Do not fear, I am with you." Isaiah 41:10
I said; My heart is crushed.
   And he whispered, "I'm near to the brokenhearted." Psalm 34:18
I said; I can't stop my tears.
   And He whispered. "I put them in a bottle." Psalm 56:8

Clinging to the truth whispered to my heart this afternoon.  Because I know of many asking the same questions and having the same thoughts, I thought I would share my wrestling.

Still learning,