Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Falling Down

It's a brand new year!  I've read so many blog entries about "to be or not to be" a resolution maker. So this entry will not be about resolutions, but about what I pray takes place MORE in my life in the year 2015.

 As I was reading through the Christmas story this year something caught my attention and caused me to ponder and look further.  I was reading from all the gospels the story of how God wrapped Himself in human flesh to dwell among us and came to the part about the wise men.  They traveled far, following a star, believing it was directing them to the King of the Jews.  When they found Him, in the place that the star directed, they came into the house and saw the Child.  This Child, the one that they had been seeking, was with His mommy because He was only a toddling two year old or younger.  Scripture says when they saw Him, they fell down and worshiped.  Fell down!  When one bows, falls down, places themselves lower, it is because there is recognition of one who is greater, one who is in authority, one who deserves more attention and respect than self.

The wise men didn't just fall down and worship, they left something on the floor that day.  They left their treasures of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Falling down requires leaving something on the floor.  On the floor and at the feet of Jesus.

Over and over in scripture Jesus encountered those who were broken, sin ridden, and self saturated.  When they saw Him and recognized Him, they fell down, they left something on the floor, and they were changed.  Recognition is the key isn't it?  So many saw and heard but only a few recognized.

The wise men fell down and left their earthly treasures on the floor, their wealth, and their prized possessions. A leper came to Jesus, fell down, and left his disease and the loneliness that the disease inflicted on the floor.  A demoniac came to Jesus, fell down and left his demons and bondage on the floor.  Jarius, a synagogue official, came and fell down and left religious trappings on the floor. A woman with an issue of blood came and fell down and left her affliction and exhaustion on the floor.  Mary of Bethany came and fell down three times and left on the floor what other's thought, her own expectations, cultural norms, and what the world says is of worth.  The woman at the well fell down when she submitted and served a drink of water to Jesus, she left her hiding, relational idols, and her identity on the floor.

They recognized Him as King, Healer, and Sovereign.  They saw Him as the One who fills.  They saw Him as the One who is worth leaving worldly possessions, other's opinions and acceptance, and religious and cultural norms for.  Because they recognized Him it compelled them to come and then to fall down.  Do I? Do you?

Asking for eyes to see and recognize more of Him, for more falling down, and for much more to be left on the floor in this coming year.

Happy 2015!  I pray your year is filled with More of Him!

Still learning,