Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Do you need help today?

Are you discouraged?
Is your marriage on shaky ground?
Do you have children that are rebellious?
Are your finances a mess?
Are you lonely?
Do have a big decision to make?
Is your life chaotic?
Are you afraid?
Is life not what you thought it was going to be like in this season?
Are you facing illness?
Is suffering in your life?
Is your heart broken because of loss?

We all face the questions like the ones on the above list.  Many of us can say an affirmative, YES, to one or more of the questions.  The Lord in His faithfulness brought a familiar scripture to my mind this morning as I was crying out for help.  

Psalm 46:1-2
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea..."

Our God who spoke the world into existence, who authored salvation and a way for man to be redeemed, and who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, this same God says He will be my help in the time of my need.  This beautiful scripture is not referring to just any kind of help; no this is God size help.  It could read God, our Refuge and Strength, is abundantly available for help in tight places, or places of trouble, or when the time arises and I find myself in need!  

Often when I find myself in one of those "tight places", it is because I have not looked to Him as my refuge, but tried to provide my own covering.  My own strength and desire to fix it has stepped in, instead of me relying on His strength. And, instead of crying out for His help, I have gone my own way seeking out another form of help or relief.  

Later in chapter 46 of Psalms, we see another very familiar verse.  One that I fear many of us have decorating the walls of our home, but quite possibly don't have hanging in our hearts.

Psalm 46:10
"Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth"

The key to reaching to Him as my help, to taking refuge in Him alone, and exchanging my strength for His, is to learn to be still and to place Him in His rightful place.  To know He is God is much more than a mental assent to truth, it is to live as one who is under authority.  This truth dislodges the lie that we are in charge, that we can fix it, or that we have the strength to change something.  He will be exalted above all.  The question is; is He exalted above me?  Is He exalted to His rightful place in my life?  

Not sure what you are facing today, but He does.  Would you hold that thing, that question, that hurt, that impossible situation, out to Him with palms open and facing upward?  Will you get still before Him?  Will you cry out to your Refuge, your Strength, and your Help, and place Him where He rightly belongs?  

Oh, Lord dislodge me from the place of authority in my life.  You are God, and there is no one besides You.  Forgive me for thinking that I'm in charge.  Lord, I need Your help and I need You to show Yourself mighty over my heart, life, and the situations that are such a struggle for me.  

I am praying for many that are facing great trials, big decisions, and heartbreaking situations right now. Sometimes we just need to know that someone else knows and is praying.

Still learning to abide,