Our daughter had really long and thick hair when she was growing up. (Still does actually,not down to her waist but still just as thick!) When she was little, some of the most dreaded and dramatic moments in our home was when it came time to brush out that mane after bath time! Oh, the wailing and nashing of teeth.... Then this product came out that would actually de-tangle hair, with just a few squirts of a spray bottle, all of the tears of brush out would go away. Truly, I thought this was an answer to my prayers and a gift directly from God!!
Wouldn't it be great if we could de-tangle our lives with just a few squirts of something magical from a bottle? A scripture that has been rolling around in my head from 2 Timothy 2:3-4,
"Suffer hardship with me as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier." We get caught don't we? I get caught too. I get caught with too much of the worlds food and not enough of the sustaining and life giving food of the Spirit. I get entangled in social media, events, what other's are doing, and the list can go on. It isn't as easy as a few squirts, it takes discipline to fast or limit those things that have crept in to steal our attention.
If you know me you know I read a lot of Amy Carmichael, missionary to India. I have posted some of her writings on this subject. If you find yourself tangled like me, I pray her words will speak to you as they have me in recent days.
"Those of us who are God's emissaries are to treat the world (not just its corruptions, but its legitimate joys, it's privileges and blessings also), as a thing to be touched at a distance. We must be aware at all times that if we are caught by its spirit, or fed by its meat, we will lose our sensitivity to the very breath of the Highest and will no longer receive the manna that falls from heaven to feed our souls. It is not that He forbids us this or that indulgence or comfort; not that He is stern, calling us to a life of harsh asceticism, as if that would make Him more pleased with us. No, it is that we who love our Lord, and we whose affections are set on the things that are heaven for us today-- we voluntarily and gladly lay aside things that charm the world, so that we may be charmed and ravished with the things of heaven. Then our whole being may be poured forth in constant and unreserved devotion in serving our Lord, who died to save us."
"No, there is no harm in recreation, if by that you mean a pastime that will re-equip you for future work, and will not cause a leakage of spiritual power."
"...quite without our realizing it certain forms of "recreation" have taken hold of us and hinder rather than help."
"We cannot allow ourselves to be entangled, and at the same time believe that we will have spiritual power."
Excerpts from the book entitled, God's Missionary.
Still learning to abide and not be tangled.....