Thursday, February 2, 2023


John 15 has been my life passage for 20-plus years. Each year I take the first couple weeks of January and sit in these words spoken by Jesus. I think they are significant for a couple of reasons. First, Jesus, fully God and fully man, said them. That would be enough. But, secondly, they were some of His last words spoken to the group of rag-tag men that had left their fishing nets, places of business and trade, and their families to follow their rabbi. I don't think they could have possibly known what the hours and days ahead would hold. A disturbing night in a garden, guards, arrest, beating, questioning, and the cross. After all the trauma, grief, and fear, surely these words rang in their memories as they desperately tried to remember every word He had spoken to them. 

 Abide, dwell, and take up an intentional posture. Abide in what? In Him, in His word, and His love. Glorify your Father in heaven. How? By bearing much fruit. How does that happen? Through pruning, scraping, and cutting anything and everything that does not promote healthy growth in you. What is the fruit? Everything that looks like, feels like and tastes like the Vine! The fruit that glorifies our Father in heaven is Christ-like fruit. Being conformed to my Christ is the goal. (Romans 8:29) 

 In this posture of fruit-bearing and abiding, Jesus' joy is in us, and our joy is full! Whoa! 

 Much fruit only flows from much pruning. 
 Real-Jesus-Joy is only a result of abiding. 
 Abiding is my participation. 
 I can do nothing apart from Him. NOTHING. 

 The questions that this passage asks me: 
 What is my abiding like? 
 What do I need to change? 
What or Who am I being conformed to? 
 What is the condition of my joy? 
 Am I willing to have anything and everything that can't produce Jesus-fruit in me cut off? 

 The invitations that Jesus extends: 
 He wants to abide with us. 
He wants us to participate.
 He does the heavy lifting. 
 He produces the fruit. 

 My cup overflows, 

 You can find me at

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