Thursday, September 3, 2020

Do people blog anymore?  I clearly don't.  I have continued to write in other places with one goal in mind; that Christian women (men too)  would be encouraged to know Jesus more and learn to live out that relationship. I'm picking up my blogging pen again.   

The bible uses the word meditation over twenty times.  It means to reflect, contemplate, think, ponder, and or to remember.  All of this has an object and a directive; it is the word of God.  It is not an emptying of our minds as much of Eastern meditation teaches, it's actually a filling of our minds. We are to fill and rotate our minds around the word of God.  

Meditation is much like a cow chewing her cud.  What in the world?  Yes, I did just type that!  Stick with me here, a cow eats grass and chews on that mouthful of grass a lot.  After chewing on it for a while, she swallows it and it goes into one of her four chambers of the stomach. Then it comes back up (I know a little gross) and she chews on it again.  This process happens over and over; I read this week that it is possible for a cow to chew on one cud 30,000 times. That is a lot of chewing!  I believe this process is a great way to think of meditation.  You see, the cow chews on her cud until she has gotten every ounce of nutritional value out of the grass she is chewing, even if it takes chewing on the same grass for 30,000 times.   

We need to be women that chew on God's word, think about it, ponder it, study it and remember it.  There is a whole lot that my mind wants to chew on, and I'm continually fighting what I'm dwelling on.  The world we live in, our environment, our culture, the media, and social media want to tell us what to let our minds dwell on.  The result; A confused mind that is filled with nothing of spiritual nutrition.  I'm not saying that we shouldn't educate and inform ourselves so that we can be wise.  I just know the scale tips too easy, and we become consumed, and our minds become easily entangled with the affairs of this world, which is not our home.  Let's be wise women and women of the word, that let the word of God inform us more than the media. And let's be women that practice and learn what meditation on the word of God truly is.    Below you will see some of the scriptures that mention meditation, get into God's word, look at these scriptures, and start chewing!

Still learning,

PSALM 19:14
PSALM 119:15
PSALM 104:34